Sunday, February 28, 2010

Crusade in Dagoretti Corner

26, 27, 28 February was crusade-time for VWO.  Pastor Safari made many plans and we had some big names in Kenyan Christian music.  Friday and Saturday we had the crusade in the front grassy area of our property.  Unfortunately, it rained a lot on Saturday and we had very few people because of that.  On Sunday, Jimmie Gait, a local Kikuyu artist, came to sing.  He is often used by Safaricom and other companies for advertising.  He was a good guy and he promoted Pastor Safari and the church.  He is most known for Muhadara ("Problems" in Kikuyu).  His music is very popular among the Kenyans and he sings in a mixture of English, Swahili and Kikuyu (a local tribal language).
The platform in the grass area in front of the church

The VWO Praise Team inside the tent
Jimmie Gait (in white) talking to Pastor Safari
More of the crowd
Jimmie Gait singing ... note the Ushers in the yellow vests; they were crowd control

Me and Jimmie Gait

The great Ushers -- there were no incidents because of their hard work

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