Sunday, July 18, 2010

Foot Saga - Part 2

If you remember my foot problems from May 2009, I had severely twisted my left ankle.  Ever since that time, my left arch hurt all the time.  Come to find out, I have an extra navicular bone and that is the culprit of the pain.  I had that same thing in my right foot, but I had it removed in 2003.  So on July 15, I had the extra bone removed.  My road ahead includes 6-8 weeks on crutches (yes, I will be flying on crutches) and physical therapy.

The circled part of my foot is the location of the extra bone

After the surgery
To have the surgery in the States is an absolute miracle.  I am covered under insurance, but only within Africa, India and Pakistan.  I was originally going to go to South Africa to have this operation.  But when I presented the overall cost of getting it done in South Africa compared to in the States, the cost was about half to do it in the States.  Granted, I do have to pay for everything out of pocket, but I will be reimbursed in Kenya.  Oh, and if you pay for your medical bills in full without insurance, you get deals.  I saved about 50% with surgeon fees, 20% for the surgical center, and 15% with the anesthesiologist.  God really provided a way for me to have this surgery in the States with the same doctor that did my right foot.

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